Code of Ethics

1.1.2017 - Code of Ethics
The business of PAP Packaging a.s. is conducted in an honest, transparent and responsible manner. We comply with and do not violate the laws that apply to our business.
The company strives to build relationships with its customers, suppliers and business partners that are based on equality, mutual benefit and transparency in which the responsibilities and obligations of those involved are clearly defined.
All company employees are obliged to comply with the applicable laws of the Czech Republic and behave in accordance with generally accepted moral principles.
Workers are obliged to respect the principles of anti-corruption behaviour and conduct. Above all, this means they must not offer, provide or accept bribes in any form or accept unreasonable gifts from business partners, even potential ones, with the exception of advertising and promotional items.
While respecting cultural differences, we adhere to the principle that workers should be employed based on their abilities, not on the basis of race, gender, personal traits or beliefs.
When hiring new workers, westrictly adhere to the principles of equality and non-discrimination (age, gender, race, family background, disability, etc.).
We do not use physical or mental punishment against our employees, and we will not knowingly work with partners who use such practices.
We offer wages and social benefits to our employees in accordance with the laws of the Czech Republic, and we do not require a work performance duration that is in violation of Czech legislation.
We do not use child labour (i.e. employees under 15 years of age).
We adhere to occupational safety measurespursuant to Czech legislation.
We are aware of our responsibility to protect the environmentwhen engaging in our business activities. Our environmental protection measures are specified in the Environmental Policy, and like this Code of Ethics, it is part of the Integrated Management System (IMS).