Our story

Our story

Our beginnings

Our beginnings date back to 1844, when Vojtěch Scheinost and Bernard Fürth founded the match production company known as SOLO Sušice. But the real beginning of the company was in the year 1933. At the time, experimental production began in Sušice with ten employees, who produced cups for marmalade, bowls for aspics and round boxes. It was at that time that the plant was given the name "PAP", derived from paper and paper production.

Packaging novelty

How was the new method of packaging received by end customers in the 1930s? At first, it was not easy to penetrate the market with the new product. Paper packaging was not trusted in shops, because until that point, foodstuffs had been packaged exclusively in glass, tin, or wooden containers. But paper containers were soon accepted more and more favourably, and they turned out to be the long-sought container for both the dosing of food and dispensable use.

Postwar boom

After World War II, PAP was nationalized and incorporated into the West Bohemian Paper Mills. But that did not mean stagnation for the company - on the contrary. After the war, designers from PAP were flourishing and were gradually extending the "machine park". During the 1970s and 1980s, the variety of machines was increasing, and the company was thus able to supply cups and other food containers of various shapes - including cups with coloured printing. The laborious manufacturing work was thus replaced by more efficient automation in the form of new machines.

From the revolution to the present day

In 1990, the plant became independent and the independent state enterprise PAP Sušice was established. In the following year, we started our production of cups and containers made of polyethylene-laminated cardboard. At the same time, we substantially extended our range of polystyrene products and added products made of polypropylene. The new machines, which improved the printing directly on finished containers, were also a driving force behind the boom that resulted in further production. And with the gradual extension of our production, the number of contracts in both the Czech and foreign markets increased…

A significant milestone in our development was the entry of strong strategic partners. At the end of 1999, the Italian company GIO’STYLE MONOUSO S.p.A. acquired a majority stake of 86.3% and took over the management of PAP, which it owned until 2006. That year marked another major change when our company came under the ownership of the Italian company DOpla S.p.A.

The entry of Italian partners ushered in a new era for our plant. We significantly expanded our range of disposable products and continuously modernized our production facilities. Investments in new and more efficient machines allowed us to accelerate production and increase productivity. By the end of the decade, we completed a new production hall and manufacturing lines, raising our annual cup production capacity to 1.5 billion units.

In October 2024, another significant milestone occurred – our company was acquired by a renowned Canadian company E. Hofmann Plastics Inc. This transition opens new growth opportunities, brings further investments, and strengthens our position in the international market.

Future Direction

Our company stands on solid foundations and constantly seeks ways to move the production of plastic and paper packaging towards greater efficiency and sustainability. We believe that modern packaging can be functional, high-quality, and at the same time environmentally friendly. That’s why we are increasingly investing in innovations that allow us to produce more intelligently, with less impact on nature.

A key role in our approach is played by the 3R concept (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), which we incorporate not only into our products but also into the entire production process. Thanks to advanced automation and modern technologies, we can offer our customers fast and reliable solutions that meet the demands of today's world. Learn more about our commitment to responsible production here.

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