Quality system
A company that successfully maintains high positions both in the market and in its results can almost always achieve this position through well-developed quality management work. Yet, the term "quality" should be understood to mean not only product quality, but also the quality of business processes.
We place an emphasis on:
To ensure the high quality of our products, we have introduced the BRCGS system certification. BRCGS certification is one of GFSI (The Global Food Safety Initiative) approved certification systems. The BRCGS standard sets high requirements for the implementation of a safety and quality management system for our products. Since 2018, we have been regularly certified by the authorized certification company Lloyd's Register. The current certificate is always issued in March and is valid for 12 months.The goal of our QMS is to continuously improve our products and activities. We achieve this through professionally trained, goal-oriented employees who take responsibility for their day-to-day work. We review our QMS through internal audits covering all our processes, and twice a year, we conduct a review of the QMS with a follow-up audit by Lloyd's Register.
We have a clear customer orientation, whereby the main criteria are quality, delivery time and the provision of versatile service, beginning with the design of a new product by our engineers and ending with the delivery of the finished product to you.

Social and environmental sustainability
We have become a member of Sedex and joined this world-leading organisation in its latest commitment to social and environmental sustainability. We strive to be a responsible business and manage our operations and supply chain in a way that protects employees, communities and the environment.Sedex technology and services help our company source resources more responsibly. The platform and solutions provided give us the practical tools, data analytics and business insights needed to act ethically, source sustainably and work with suppliers to protect people and the environment.
Our business partners who are also Sedex members have open access to our audit data directly on the Sedex website. For partners who are not Sedex members, we are happy to provide the full final audit report on request.

As a member of the packaging chain for food and items that come into contact with food, we guarantee the safety of our products. We adhere to the valid EU legislation and the national legislation of the Czech Republic, namely Regulation (EC) 1935/2004 of the European Parliament and Council, on materials and articles intended to come into contact with food, Commission Regulation (EC) 2023, on good manufacturing practice for materials and articles intended to come into contact with food, and Act 258/2000 Coll., on the protection of public health. For this purpose, we developed internal hygiene guidelines and a HACCP plan that is based on an analysis of the risks that may arise during the realization of our products. We repeatedly have our plants and products microbiologically tested by accredited laboratories, including the testing of total and specific migrations to food simulants.
The environment and savings
In our processes, we try to be environmentally friendly. We also adhere to the current EU and Czech legislation in this area. With preventive measures aimed at deepening our expertise and raising awareness among our employees, we prevent potential emergencies and damage to the environment. We develop products that use less material and are more energy-efficient, which has an effect not only on production costs but also on the impact we have on the environment. We recycle part of the waste material generated in our forming processes in inline systems and process another part on a newly installed regranulation device. Our approach to the efficient packaging of products, which results in the higher utilization of transport vehicles and therefore less fuel consumption for the delivery of products, is another benefit for the environment.