Notice of change of the name of the company

11.7.2023 - Notice of change of the name of the company
Dear business partners,
This is to inform you that with effect from 10 July 2023, the business name of our company, DOPLA PAP a.s., with registered office at Pod Svatoborem 41, Sušice II, 342 01 Sušice, ID No. 45357056, has been changed to PAP Packaging a.s. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company").
Due to the name change, the email addresses will also change. The other details of the Company (such as registration number, registered office, bank connections, telephone contacts) remain unchanged.
The change of the Company's business name has no effect on the rights and obligations that our Company has towards its business partners, nor on their rights and obligations towards our Company. There is no change to the contracts already concluded.
However, all new business correspondence, orders, invoices, the conclusion of new contracts or amendments to existing contracts, as well as all other negotiations between our Company and you must be carried out using the new business name of the Company from the date indicated.
In Sušice, 11th July 2023
The Board of Directors of the Company